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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Schody - The stairs

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2010-02-18
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One thing in the original plans of this house that I never really liked was the staircase. I felt that the main living room area would benefit from having a solid wooden staircase designed in place of the proposed concrete one.

As I discovered, this option is an expensive one, and one that needs a good joiner who is used to producing such a staircase.

I thought that I managed to get everything arranged and went out to see examples of my joiner's work before placing the order with him, however it turned out not to be that simple. Why? The answer to this is simple.... A good joiner is always in demand and therefore a 'verbal' promise of getting the work completed by the middle of November was never really going to happen if he's busy, and it never did. He was still busy with other work and no number of phonecalls to him and visits to him brought the work forward. I was tied to him as well by this stage, as I had paid out 4000PLN for the material he was going to be using.Three months later, and consequently three months behind schedule, the rest of the work was done, I now have a handzome staircase fitted. The most frustrating part of the build to date as a lot of work needed to be put to one side until it was in place.

At the moment the plasterboards are being fitted upstairs, the 'artex' finish is being applied to the stairwell and chimney breast, prior to painting, and the fireplace is being finished off Hopefully I will be able to post pictures of these completed things in about a fortnight. In the meantime I'm going to get busy with paint and roller!

Data dodania: 2010-02-18 13:05:59
You see a good builder or any handyman are always in demand and it's you or me who have to wait for them. It never really happens they can do anything for you straight away, but i personally think if they promise they should do it on time. I really happy you finally received you stairs. I have had few bad experiences on my bilding site and i never take any builder's word. I need a contract in every case as i do not want to be dissapointed any more.I am going to have the steps made of oak. What about yours? What are they made of? Hope you can upload some pictures of the staircase as i am really interested how it looks like.Enjoy the painting!!!
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