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Edynburg - Szkocja

wpisy na blogu

Ogrzewanie - The Heating

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-24
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For the last two days, the most important part of my investment in this house has been ongoing. The underfloor central heating was being laid along with all the controls.

First a layer of polystyrene was laid and then a metalic film onto which the plastic pipework was secured.

Below are a few photographs.

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The main living room prepared for laying the underfloor pipework

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A view of one of the two bedrooms with the chimney

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A view of the second bedroom facing the front of the house

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This shows the other side of this bedroom.

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The hall upstairs with its large skylight.

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The view of the hall in the opposite direction. The stairs will be the next thing to be made from seasoned ash.

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The bathroom prepared for a 'wet' shower area and two windows opposite to the hand basin area.

Data dodania: 2009-09-24 02:57:33
The Progress so Far
Well I see that you have the web masters' touch now. Very nicely done with very nice angled shots of the progress so far. The page editing has been solved and put to good use. Super. Ludwik
Data dodania: 2009-11-05 06:54:47
Great !
Opalek looks great ! In addition, it is interesting to read your blog. Regard from sunny California !
Data dodania: 2010-01-31 01:09:13
I wasn't here for a long time and I see now big progress:) Congratulations!

Nie daleko......ale jesen

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-23
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FYVIE CASTLEmojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

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mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

W szkocji to naprawde tylko brakuje pogody bo uroda jest!


Data dodania: 2009-09-24 03:22:51
Sony Ericsson is one of the top, global, mobile phone and I can see why
Hi again Marek, This is a great collection of shots, nicely edited(again)and presented. What a truely wonderfull place and you were blessed with such a fine day as well. I'm sure it was a pleasure for the whole gang. I still find amazing that these pictures came from your moblie. Sony Ericsson have a hit with this one. Your skills at blogging are rapidly improving to the point where you may have to change jobs or add another to pile. Cheers from Canada

Moje miasteczko - Ellon - na polnoc od Aberdeen

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-23
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A z tego pieknego miejsca sie wyprowadzilem do Polski

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Data dodania: 2009-09-24 04:07:17
And your moving...why?? LOL
Hey Marek,;-) More Super Shots. One thing that I have noticed, you are using FireFox as a browser, you can get a big & better viewing of the snaps by right clicking on a image and picking "View Image". The images here are not very compressed but using this feature will work wonders for the ones that have been reduced on this page. Just hit the back button to return to this page. Thanks again - GreatPlace Ellon

Odpoczynku troche! - Some light relief!

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-23
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Teraz postaram sie napisac troche po polsku. Jak widzicie, ze zdjecia na poczatku tego blogu Edynburg, miejsce mojego urodzenia, ma piekny zamek ktory goruje nad centrum miasta. Jest duzo ciekawych miejsc do zwiedzenia, i bardzo zachecam do podrozy....tym bardziej ze mozna  od czasu do czasu dostac bilety lotem Ryanair za bezcen, lecac z Lodzi, Poznania i Krakowa. W tym roku sam lecialem za 3PLN + oplata za platnosc karta kredytowa. Razem wynioslo 23PLN! Oczywiscie jest gorzej z noclegiami, ale mozna dostac miejsce na noc w tak zwanym 'Youth hostel' za okolo 15 funtow.. Ponizej pare zdjec                                        

.mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

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Widoki te na zatoke znana jako 'Firth of Forth' przy Crammond...a w ostatnim zdjeciu przejazd samochodem przez 'Forth Road Bridge' i widok na slynny 'Forth Rail Bridge w mgle.

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mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

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Rozne widoki z centrum stolicy szkockiej patrzac sie od 'Princes Street'.

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

Niektore takie widoki nie sa takie piekne.....mlode panienki?...

Nie takie zgrabne jak polskie dziewczyny!

Data dodania: 2009-09-24 04:20:28
Good Old Scotland with Bunnies??
More great Shots ....hadn't see these ones before. The "Image View" in FireFox does this pictures justice. Sorry IE fans no such feature (oh you can zoom the page but that's not the same...too much work and you don't really get the "real" picture) Thanks for the wee bunnies lad. Keep them coming.... :-)

Ocieplanie - External Insulation

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-23
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What a great spell of weather we're having this year in Poland! I was lucky enough to be out of the country, back in Scotland, throughout most of July when Poland experienced quite a rainy spell of weather. Throughout August and September it has been glorious!

The weather has helped me with the overall building, because we have managed to get started with the second  'skin' of the house.

Here in Poland a type of polystyrene brick is used to insulate the outside of the house and my builders have started to line the outside walls with a layer 12cm thick. First a glue is applied to the 'brick' and then it is placed on the wall to set, with the walls being drilled and a type of rawplug inserted. This is then completed by inserting a long type of nail to pin the surfaces together

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Early days still, but it's coming along!

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ranga - mojabudowa.pl stały bywalec
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