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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Ogrod - The Garden

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2013-01-29
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Here are a few more views of the house and garden. I managed to get some nice balcony railings installed. My preference was for straight railings, rather than the very popular curved ones over here.

The railings were an adventure in themselves.....The fitters and manufacturers managed to drop them from the balcony, narrowly missing my brother-in-law!


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Data dodania: 2013-01-29 17:23:32
wow :)) garden is beautiful..
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 17:25:42
Odpowiedź do kingamaniek
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 17:43:07
pięknie! dodaję wpis do ulubionych, może uda mi się coś wykorzystać:)
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 16:51:49
Dziękuję za wpis... Oczywiście, że nie mam zamiaru kupować takich drogich okien, o których wspomniałam... Nie oszalałam jeszcze :) Tak jak wspominasz.. lepiej włożyć takie pieniądze chociażby w pompę ciepła czy dach... :) Macie piękny ogród... i urzekła mnie wasza altanka drewniana.. Cudna :) Życzę powodzenia :)
Data dodania: 2013-01-30 21:24:22
Bardzo dobrze! już za 20 30 tys. będą super! Dziękuję za miły wpis!
Odpowiedź do katka-lawenda

Ogrod - The Garden

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2013-01-29
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  • As you can see, I took a lot of photos and never had time to put them up. I decided to have an 'Altanka' straight away and had it built. My WONDERFUL builder is STILL to finish it off...nearly two years later!! He comes, and goes, and adds a bit here and there....FRUSTRATING!!
    blog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl
    blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

And....a couple of nice views frrom the garden.

blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

The 'Master' Bedroom

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2013-01-28
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Here are shots of the 'Master' Bedroom....blog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl

Data dodania: 2013-01-28 22:22:48
fajnie i nietypowo z tym prysznicem
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 16:02:15
Tak, nie typowa sypialnia ale tak jest dla syna który co drugi miesiąc, czy trzeci, mieszka tu
Odpowiedź do ganiolek1
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 15:25:23
wnętrze bije orginalnością i ciepłem,bardzo ciekawie zaaranżowana przestrzeń...pozdrawiamy z południa Anglii-Gosia i Paweł
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 15:57:08
Dziękuje Gosia i Paweł ......na pewno trochę inaczej! Powodzenia!!
Odpowiedź do magnollia

The 'master' bathroom and rooms upstairs

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2013-01-28
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It's been so long that I've forgotten how to load up pictures!!

A lot of work went into the bathroom, but I'm satisfied that it looks ok. One major problem was that the size of the bath takes 540litres of water, so I had to fit an additional tank (300litres) in order to have enough hot water to fill it!!

There were a number of problems to deal with in the bedrooms as well, as my guest bedroom serves as my studio, so I needed to sort out additional lighting.

The 'master' bedroom needed to have a shower in it as well, so I came up with an idea for that


  • .Wash hand basinsblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plWC and Bidetblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.plblog budowlany - mojabudowa.pl
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 20:24:12
Beautiful, do not write good English but everything looks great I like congratulate
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 20:36:57
it's so black and dark, but i like it very much.
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 20:39:37
beauty , my colors :)
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 20:45:32
this bathroom is cool :-)) I like it
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 21:03:39
Thanks to all of you for your positive response! The bathroom although mainly black, has a lot of light as the windows are reflected in the mirror over the basins. The glass coloured blocks also cheer it up.....and of course there are a lot of lights!
Odpowiedź do grzybek222

No Hurry? - Building in Poland..can take some time

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2013-01-28
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All went fairly smoothly with the building process, but what I never expected was the time it would take to get everything finished off.....and YES......the cost!!

My mistake was being sympathetic to my tradesmen.....but I learnt once I made my mistake!! NEVER, NEVER pay them before their work is finished because you might not see them again, or you have jobs that drag on for months unfinished!!

Like everyone else, I had financial restrictions that prevented me getting work done. I'm NOT a builder and I'm afraid it's not my idea of fun doing something that I have no clue about......so the most I have done is planning what I wanted and home decorating.

Data dodania: 2013-01-28 18:18:53
Pierwszy raz natknęłam się na ten blog i dziwi mnie trochę i zastanawiam sie... po co ma służyć te z angielszczenie tutaj? Mogę prosić o odpowiedz czemu ten blog prowadzony jest po angielsku?
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 18:26:45
Dobra .. doczytałam już czemu to ma służyć... Nie musisz odpowiadać :)
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 19:21:45
I am am English man married to my Polish wife and we are building our retirement home the same as you. And the same as you we had builder problems, and not being there is a problem. My step daughter does a wonderful job but the first builder made the foundations 1.5 mtrs to low then left the country!!!!
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 19:23:40
Great house and nice design ideas.
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 20:18:39
Thanks Colin. I thought it would be a good idea to have a record of what I did....although at times it has been an unpopular move to write it in english Where are you building? If I can be of any help, please get in touch. My blog is just about finished, although it's taken me until now to get the house ready.
Odpowiedź do blog został usunięty
Data dodania: 2013-01-28 21:17:30
Hi again, http://projekty-domow-jednorodzinnych.dom.pl/da_keos_2.htm At the moment we are up to the walls and roof. next job will be the windows which we think will be Drutex igloo tripleglazed unit's with shutters. Colin
Odpowiedź do szkocka
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 13:30:07
I have heard that these windowsa are good....they are heavily advertised at the moment. Certainly your choice of triple glazed units is a sensible one. I used Oknowid for my windows which were based on German modules. The windows I bought were twice as expensive as the double glazed units but were worth every penny! My most expensive units were the round balcony door windows coming in at 5300 per balcony. I don't know what you've chosen for your heating, but a heat exchange pump is extremely economical and efficient.....but expensive to start off with. I'm not into shutters, but I have a fairly sophisticated alarm sysyem that puts my mind at ease.
Odpowiedź do blog został usunięty
Data dodania: 2013-01-29 13:39:53
House type
Very nice choice of house! My only worry would be the size of garage..... I built mine bigger for two cars, and it is still too small! My son's Audi stands diagonally in it. A large car though...at 5.14 metres long!! LOL!
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ranga - mojabudowa.pl stały bywalec
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