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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Zapomnialem - I forgot!

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2010-03-12
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I forgot to say that this New Year did not start off well for me.... I went to a great New Year party...the first in this country for 31 years! Unfortunately it was spoilt by the news that some 'mindless' idiots decided to shear off 15 posts that had been erected and sunk into a concrete base before Christmas. We had left them without putting the wire netting on in order to allow the concrete to set properly with the onset of hard frosts. Obviously fired up with booze, their vandalism has cost me an additional 2500PLN to get back to where I started before Christmas.Yesterday I went to OBI to get new posts,netting, a double gate and a single entrance gate. Now we have to wait for some decent weather to remove the sheared posts embeded in concrete and to set the new posts in fresh, frost free, concrete.

Meanwhile, I have been busy painting......It seems to be never ending......I have put down some base white coats and applied the first colour today! I have a pleasant light tone of brown for the open-plan hallway which leads from the front door to the foot of the stairs.

The walls around the staircase are having a rough plaster coat applied and I will be painting that area with a DEKORAL paint known as Ekspresja, from the Eva Minge collection.

This is an exciting time, as you impose your own personality onto a home...for better or worse...One thing is for sure, some people will love your choices while others will detest them. You'll never be the same after showing what you've done!!

Reading other people's blogs here in Poland I think the comments get over-personal at times...so don't be put off!!  At the end of the day it's your house, and as long as your comfortable...who cares? You're not designing a showhouse!


Data dodania: 2010-03-12 23:13:15
As far as some comments are concerned, you should get used to the fact that for some Polish people it has always been a great pleasure to criticize & to offend others. Of course, most bloggers do not expect to be praised all the time, but there must be some culture if we want to comment on sb. On the other hand we used to say that about tastes we shouldn't discuss... But don't worry! There's still the overwhelming majority of friendly Polish citizens :DDD
Data dodania: 2010-03-12 23:26:30
Juz w Polsce lepiej pod tym wzgledem, ale czytajac Pani blog, to czasami czlowiek sie lapie za glowe jak sie widzi osoby ktore poprostu nie maja 'zielonego pojecia o niczym' a pisza z takim autorytetem......!! W Polsce jest o wiele lepiej!!! Przynajmniej nie ma odpowiedzi na WSZYSTKO...'nie ma!!!!'
Data dodania: 2010-03-13 00:06:21
The first part of the comment above
If it'a any comfort to you, you are not the only one who has been 'visited' by mindless idiots (I think calling them 'idiots' is too soft! I call them THIEVES! ;)) For sure for them it was not very profitable... You are right - this stage of building looks like 'never ending story' but sooner r later it WILL end :DD What about photos???
Data dodania: 2010-03-13 00:13:44
Moim zdaniem, ideą blogów na tym serwisie nie jest wykazywanie się autorytetem... (od tego są fachowe fora), lecz dzielenie się swoimi doświadczeniami. Wiadomo...nie ma jednego najlepszego rozwiązania - to co dla nas jest ważne, dla drugiego może nie mieć znaczenia. Zawsze jednak można napisać co NAS skłoniło do danego wyboru. Niestety niektórzy traktują to, jako zachwalanie swojego i doszukują się ukrytych motywów naszego działania. Ps. U nas nie mówią 'nie ma', ale za to często słyszymy 'tego się nie da zrobić' lub 'będzie Pani zadowolona' co oznacza, że będzie ciężko :)
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