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Edynburg - Szkocja

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It's beem a long time.....

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2010-02-11
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It's been a long time since I went on here to post anything, but I have been busy with getting things organised for my life here in Poland. The paperwork has always been a majpr factor in this country and nothing has changed over the years in that respect.

The work has been ongoing, but since Christmas very little could be done outside with the severe frosts.

My underfloor heating has been screeded and is fully operational. Cosy and warm within a house that has not been completed...and that's what it's like set at 18C!

The major changes revolve round tiling areas such as the large garage and boiler/wash room, the entrance corridor, downstairs bathroom and the kitchen floor.

Apart frpom that I looked around for a kitchen supplier and did not find anything that I liked or suited my pocket. At the end of the day I took about five quotes and chose a father-and-son outfit from Torun. They were not the cheapest, but were by far the most professional in the way they carried out their business.

I obtained a number of quotes from them depending on the quality of finish that I was looking at, as well as planning the kitchen out to take account of the new appliances I had ordered.

I am pleased with the results as well as the standard of finish and materials used. Unfortunately the photographs do not do the kitchen justice as light conditions were poor and building and painting work were ongoing.

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