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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Ogrzewanie - The Heating

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-24
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For the last two days, the most important part of my investment in this house has been ongoing. The underfloor central heating was being laid along with all the controls.

First a layer of polystyrene was laid and then a metalic film onto which the plastic pipework was secured.

Below are a few photographs.

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

The main living room prepared for laying the underfloor pipework

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

A view of one of the two bedrooms with the chimney

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

A view of the second bedroom facing the front of the house

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

This shows the other side of this bedroom.

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

The hall upstairs with its large skylight.

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

The view of the hall in the opposite direction. The stairs will be the next thing to be made from seasoned ash.

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlanymojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

The bathroom prepared for a 'wet' shower area and two windows opposite to the hand basin area.

Data dodania: 2009-09-24 02:57:33
The Progress so Far
Well I see that you have the web masters' touch now. Very nicely done with very nice angled shots of the progress so far. The page editing has been solved and put to good use. Super. Ludwik
Data dodania: 2009-11-05 06:54:47
Great !
Opalek looks great ! In addition, it is interesting to read your blog. Regard from sunny California !
Data dodania: 2010-01-31 01:09:13
I wasn't here for a long time and I see now big progress:) Congratulations!
ranga - mojabudowa.pl stały bywalec
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