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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Dach - The roof

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-24
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The first floor concrete supports were put in place with the concrete being poured to create the first floor. Work went ahead quickly in June to erect the walls and to create the two balconies.

My team of roofers went into full swing as the weather with its frequent downpours played havoc with their plans and work.

From the pictures you can see that I decided to line the roof with timber. I'm aware that this is strictly not necessary but I hope the extra cost, some 10000PLN for the wood, ensures a strong basis for the tiles that are to follow. I must admit that I had second thoughts about it, and could have done it with MDF boards or not at all.

My roofer advised me to use wood as there would be less wastage than boards. The roof 'envelope' design was easier to cover in this way.

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Once it was covered with wood I chose a good quality membraine to go on top of that.

 mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

 mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

 mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

 The next stage was to decide on the roof tiles.These will be by ROBEN as seen below

 mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

 mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

 the work is cracking on....and I have to go and find the finances to pay for it!!!!




Garaz - The garage

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-24
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The garage had been widened by 1m so I now wanted to take full advantage of its width by installing a wide automatic roller door. Once again, there were many companies on the marketplace who offered good deals on this type of garage door.  I noticed that very similar prices were being quoted for their supply and installation, howeverI wanted a particularly wide door 5500x2150 and HORMAN was the company that could provide this at a competitive price with two remote controls.

Przednie drzwi zewnetrzne - The front door

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-23
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When I looked at the plans of the front of the house with my architect, I decided that I wanted an arched front door made up of two panels. The size of the opening was to be 1500x2400, and little did I know what kind of problems this would make for me!

Afetr searching through Opalek Blogs, I found a door that was very nice and suited the house. I directed my enquiries to a supplier of STOLBUD doors as a result. The particular door in question was made of wood with a strong mirrored panel in the middle, and also had a fixed wing with a similar panel. 

What I did not expect was the price for this 'work of art'........over 9000PLN!!!

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany


It turned out that by making an archway, I had shot myself in the foot. Very few companies would entertain making such a door and the prices were all about the same. Consequently I started to search the marketplace for an alternative.

I finally recognised that the archway would have to go.I turned to doors made from a different material that would not require the same level of maintenance that a wooden door would require.

Many different doors were available, however their external appearance was disappointing until I came across the doors from EURONORD.

I have since ordered Parlament Vitraz + Prezydent from the Prestige range at just under 6000PLN including instalation.

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

Data dodania: 2009-07-24 00:16:01
Euronord door
What about the quality of your Euronord doors? I bought this company's door (rear entrance) and I found rust just after half a year on the hinges and a crack on the frame... I decided to complain about it but the company was not interested in taking my complaint into consideration :( In fact they claim there was too much humidity at home that's why the hinges rusted and the frame cracked... The ridiculous thing is that NOBODY even came to watch the door...
Data dodania: 2009-07-24 01:06:54
You have me a bit worried as they are supposed to be of the highest quality. The door is guaranteed for a year and its fitting for two years. What I didn't realise is that they are made in North America - so I've been told - although I presume they are made on licence elsewhere too. Am I right in assuming that they are made of fibreglass? What did you do in the end to rectify your problem?
Data dodania: 2009-07-24 09:02:02
In fact I was shocked with the supplier's answer which I received last week - they were supposed to be of high quality... and as they are external doors they must be (or at least shoul be ;)) weather resistant... Rust on the hinges is unacceptable for me...and the crack is in the place where the lock is fitted so they do not guarantee security any more. I am going to complain again but this time directly at the manufacturer (not at the supplier) I hope I'll be satisfied with the result :)

Wybieranie okien - Choosing the right windows

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-23
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Choosing the right windows for the house has really been a nightmare!!


Because everyone I spoke to, offered different opinions on their choice.

I found the Opalek blogs useful, but in the end decided to go for those that would perform the best..

After deciding to install a heat exchange pump, underfloor heating and mechanical ventilation, the last thing I wanted to do was to install windows that would lose the heat generated in the house. This was one factor, however the colour of the windows, their shape and construction were also vitally important.

Although I've introduced a number of changes to the building, I wanted to remain loyal to the original concept and colour scheme of the house that could be seen in the original vizulisation. I liked the colour scheme of the house with its white windows, finishings and doors, however, from a practical point of view, this would seem to be difficult to maintain. What options were available if this were to be changed? Surprisingly few, as it would be difficult to obtain matching garage and house doors. In fact, in general, there were three other popular colours apart from white that were offered for UPVC windows.

Then there were the options of having the windows white on the inside and a different colour on the outside, or having gold/silver inserts in the windows. Add to this the bewildering choice of 5 or 6 chamber constructions, 2 or 3 panes of glass, round and straight profiles, closed, tilting and opening options....and I ended up spending a long time reading about them, getting quotes and looking to see what my fellow 'Opaleks' were buying.

Ultimately it seemed to come down to price in most cases unsurprisingly, with quotes of 7500 PLN and above being the norm.

I eventually decided to buy 'the all singing and dancing' 3 pane range from SCHUCO  - CORONA SI 82 in golden oak - priced at a jaw dropping 23870 PLN. There is an english saying  - 'the proof of the pudding will be in the eating'......czyli zobaczymy!!!

 mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany



The foundations, water supply, and planning ahead.

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-23
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I've included a lot of photographs of the foundations going in as they're crucial to building a quality home. 

My site required leveling, as it was in a dip, so we had to bring in ten lorry loads of sand before we started on the foundations. Living abroad, I felt it was an important time to oversee the work.

Despite the amount of work involved, I was lucky to have six people working away on the foundations. This came about because I decided to employ a number of local tradesmen. Being Scottish, I wanted a good price for this work, but quality assured. By using people who were recommended, and who knew one another, I am pleased to say that the work has progressed smoothly and quickly. In all, building and insulating the foundations took just over a week for example.

I would make the comment that the cheapest price is not always the best way forward, and although my finances are tight, you cannot undo bad workmanship

My site also had to have a water source identified, and consequently a well was drilled. Another major consideration was to establish what form of central heating would be used.

It was my wish that Opalek 2G would be built in order to be ecologically friendly. With this in mind, I approached a number of companies for estimates for a system including a heat exchange pump, underfloor heating, and mechanical ventilation.  I would point out that the costs of these are high, however they will more than pay for themselves in the long term. A word of warning though......go to as many different firms as possible to get estimates, read about the different systems, and find out about the different manufacturers. Make sure that the pumps and installation is guaranteed. Compare like with like......you will be surprised by the price differences!.

Data dodania: 2009-07-23 22:10:58
heat pump (PC)
Pompy ciepła jak najbardziej. Pamiętajmy tylko, że w Polsce PC nie jest taką "oczywistą" ekologią - prąd produkujemy w 90 kilku % z węgla, a elektrownie smrodzą strasznie. Nie zmienia to faktu, że kierunek jak najbardziej ok! Czy już firma instalatorska do PC wybrana albo wiesz już jakiej marki pompa będzie? Śledzimy z zainteresowaniem, mimo że blogów Opałków się już naczytaliśmy ;-)) ..
Data dodania: 2009-07-24 00:58:53
Pompa jest juz wybrana, ale niestety dokladnego modelu nie moge podac bo dokumenty sa w Polsce. Bede mogl podac w ciagu tygodnia jak przylece. Pompa jest WISSMANNA
Data dodania: 2009-07-25 19:47:22
Moge dokladnie podac ze pompa jest Viessmann Vitocal 200 7,7KW.
ranga - mojabudowa.pl stały bywalec
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