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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Przednie drzwi zewnetrzne - The front door

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-23
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When I looked at the plans of the front of the house with my architect, I decided that I wanted an arched front door made up of two panels. The size of the opening was to be 1500x2400, and little did I know what kind of problems this would make for me!

Afetr searching through Opalek Blogs, I found a door that was very nice and suited the house. I directed my enquiries to a supplier of STOLBUD doors as a result. The particular door in question was made of wood with a strong mirrored panel in the middle, and also had a fixed wing with a similar panel. 

What I did not expect was the price for this 'work of art'........over 9000PLN!!!

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany


It turned out that by making an archway, I had shot myself in the foot. Very few companies would entertain making such a door and the prices were all about the same. Consequently I started to search the marketplace for an alternative.

I finally recognised that the archway would have to go.I turned to doors made from a different material that would not require the same level of maintenance that a wooden door would require.

Many different doors were available, however their external appearance was disappointing until I came across the doors from EURONORD.

I have since ordered Parlament Vitraz + Prezydent from the Prestige range at just under 6000PLN including instalation.

mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

Data dodania: 2009-07-24 00:16:01
Euronord door
What about the quality of your Euronord doors? I bought this company's door (rear entrance) and I found rust just after half a year on the hinges and a crack on the frame... I decided to complain about it but the company was not interested in taking my complaint into consideration :( In fact they claim there was too much humidity at home that's why the hinges rusted and the frame cracked... The ridiculous thing is that NOBODY even came to watch the door...
Data dodania: 2009-07-24 01:06:54
You have me a bit worried as they are supposed to be of the highest quality. The door is guaranteed for a year and its fitting for two years. What I didn't realise is that they are made in North America - so I've been told - although I presume they are made on licence elsewhere too. Am I right in assuming that they are made of fibreglass? What did you do in the end to rectify your problem?
Data dodania: 2009-07-24 09:02:02
In fact I was shocked with the supplier's answer which I received last week - they were supposed to be of high quality... and as they are external doors they must be (or at least shoul be ;)) weather resistant... Rust on the hinges is unacceptable for me...and the crack is in the place where the lock is fitted so they do not guarantee security any more. I am going to complain again but this time directly at the manufacturer (not at the supplier) I hope I'll be satisfied with the result :)
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