Przednie drzwi zewnetrzne - The front door
When I looked at the plans of the front of the house with my architect, I decided that I wanted an arched front door made up of two panels. The size of the opening was to be 1500x2400, and little did I know what kind of problems this would make for me!
Afetr searching through Opalek Blogs, I found a door that was very nice and suited the house. I directed my enquiries to a supplier of STOLBUD doors as a result. The particular door in question was made of wood with a strong mirrored panel in the middle, and also had a fixed wing with a similar panel.
What I did not expect was the price for this 'work of art'........over 9000PLN!!!
It turned out that by making an archway, I had shot myself in the foot. Very few companies would entertain making such a door and the prices were all about the same. Consequently I started to search the marketplace for an alternative.
I finally recognised that the archway would have to go.I turned to doors made from a different material that would not require the same level of maintenance that a wooden door would require.
Many different doors were available, however their external appearance was disappointing until I came across the doors from EURONORD.
I have since ordered Parlament Vitraz + Prezydent from the Prestige range at just under 6000PLN including instalation.