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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Wybieranie okien - Choosing the right windows

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-23
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Choosing the right windows for the house has really been a nightmare!!


Because everyone I spoke to, offered different opinions on their choice.

I found the Opalek blogs useful, but in the end decided to go for those that would perform the best..

After deciding to install a heat exchange pump, underfloor heating and mechanical ventilation, the last thing I wanted to do was to install windows that would lose the heat generated in the house. This was one factor, however the colour of the windows, their shape and construction were also vitally important.

Although I've introduced a number of changes to the building, I wanted to remain loyal to the original concept and colour scheme of the house that could be seen in the original vizulisation. I liked the colour scheme of the house with its white windows, finishings and doors, however, from a practical point of view, this would seem to be difficult to maintain. What options were available if this were to be changed? Surprisingly few, as it would be difficult to obtain matching garage and house doors. In fact, in general, there were three other popular colours apart from white that were offered for UPVC windows.

Then there were the options of having the windows white on the inside and a different colour on the outside, or having gold/silver inserts in the windows. Add to this the bewildering choice of 5 or 6 chamber constructions, 2 or 3 panes of glass, round and straight profiles, closed, tilting and opening options....and I ended up spending a long time reading about them, getting quotes and looking to see what my fellow 'Opaleks' were buying.

Ultimately it seemed to come down to price in most cases unsurprisingly, with quotes of 7500 PLN and above being the norm.

I eventually decided to buy 'the all singing and dancing' 3 pane range from SCHUCO  - CORONA SI 82 in golden oak - priced at a jaw dropping 23870 PLN. There is an english saying  - 'the proof of the pudding will be in the eating'......czyli zobaczymy!!!

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