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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Sciany -The walls

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-22
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As I've had a house built for me before in Scotland, I felt that some of the technology used there would be useful here in Poland. What different technology you may ask? The answer to that is 'timber frame technology'.

Initially I wanted to build a timber framed house here, but everyone advised me against it....and not convinced, I started to look for plans of houses that I liked. To be frank I never found any.....and so I moved to a traditional build as there was a mind-boggling selection of them.

What amazed me was the solidity of everything being built. In houses in Scotland the upstairs floors are suspended on joists which are part of a timber construction, not the concrete supports used here. I therefore went with the architect's plans and decided that I wanted plasterboard panels upstairs to create the rooms. There was a lot of 'tutting' by the builder in respect of this, as well as many other people.....and the comment was used 'it just isn't done.....people prefer solid walls'. Ok, I thought go with it again and keep my mouth shut.....you don't teach a baker how to bake cakes, do you?... so 'I went with the flow'.

Then we came to plastering.....normally plasterboards on top of the walls and ceilings in Britain, but not here! Instead we had a superb machine that sprayed the stuff on, with a dedicated team of plasterers showing their skill in getting the finish just right. To say I was impressed would be a mild comment.

At the end of the day it comes down to costs, and labour costs are high in Great Britain and most of Europe. Here in Poland they are not inexpensive in relation to salaries earned by an average polish citizen.

My experience of plasterers was more of 'tapers' who pinned or nailed on the plasterboard, taped it and then skimmed it. It certainly was not done like that here because of all the ceramic brick walls and concrete ceilings.

The finish was superb...like glass...No wonder that Polish tradesmen are respected the world over!!They command a very high opinion back in Scotland..and rightly so!!


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Drzwi wejsciowe i garazowe - Front & garage doors

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-22
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I'd like to comment on both the front door and the garage door. The latter was put up very professionally, and I was amazed to note how long it actually took to do. I was impressed by the fitters accuracy and how they made sure that everything was exactly right. They even had to stick on their firm's label and take a photograph that it had been done! They said that 'checks' were carried out...and they weren't wrong!! Some hour and a half later, a gentleman turned up to examine it and ask if I was happy with the job.....Very efficient!...and maybe a case of 'big brother is watching you'!

The front door was another matter....First the fitter did not want to fit it because he wanted the archway above it bricked up. Then he decided that he would go away and come back when the work had been done.....but he couldn't tell me when...as they were VERY BUSY.

I decided there and then that the door WAS going in, and that I'd take the responsibility for it if there were any complications. He finally agreed to fit the two-leaf door and secured it everywhere but above. When I asked for an additional bracket to fix it above, he said that they didn't provide any!!

I didn't see the logic of telling me that it needed to be secure above, once something was put  in place in the archway, but not giving me anything to secure it with!!

I'm happy with its appearance and fit and now I'm considering putting in a nice bit of oak where the arc is and staining it to match the door. The inside of the archway will be built up with insulating material. It might not work...but it's worth a try.

With these doors in place, I just had to wait for the windows upstairs, and as I mentioned earlier they came some two weeks later.

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Okna narescie! - The windows at last!

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-21
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The windows arrived at last....or at least some of them! It never ceases to amaze me how patient Polish people are! It is ingrained into society that you have to be patient and wait for everything. I'm just beginning to learn this, as I have never had to complete so many forms, get them stamped, take them from one place to another, stand in queues and in general spend so much time over paperwork! This, I know, is a relic from the past...and there are others which I'll not mention at this point in time.

In this instance I made a contract with a firm to supply my windows by a given date. By doing this, I could arrange the other tradesmen so that the work would be ongoing.....or so I thought! To help myself, I thought, I'll pay for the windows in advance and get a discount. BAD IDEA! As I've now learnt, you don't pay for anything here until you get it!

I got a telephone call saying that they would have difficulty in getting the windows to me on time as they were BUSY! I pointed out that it was NOT my problem that they were busy...but theirs and that I had other professions waiting to get in to start their work. The result was that I obtained all my downstairs windows in a few days. The big BUT however, were the windows upstairs....they were difficult to make, something went wrong when they were making the rounded part of the window and they would be two weeks later. Not really good enough!!

When the fitters arrived they made a super job of fitting the downstairs windows.They also had the patience of angels as the windows delivered in the first place were for the wrong house and they had to wait two and a half hours before the correct windows arrived. Not fair on them as they were paid by the job and not the hours they had to spend...and it was a SATURDAY!

The upstairs windows were eventually delivered as promised after a four hour wait and fitted to the same high standard.

Here I would like to make a comment about the labour force I have experienced to date....it is super, A1, of the highest order....so far!! I have been blessed in having, honest, hard-working tradesmen who have done a job to the best of their ability. I know it is still early days...but believe me this is not the case in Great Britain in many cases, in my experience, and Polish workers have a great reputation mainly.

I'm happy with the triple glazing at the moment..the way it looks and how it has been fitted..I'll see how well it performs in years to come.


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Data dodania: 2009-09-21 13:57:37
Data dodania: 2009-09-21 14:07:53
Mimo, że ja sobie poczytać mogę i rozumiem większość tekstu to blog chyba nie cieszy się zbyt wielkim zainteresowaniem ( z tego względu, że jest w jęz.ang)?!
Data dodania: 2009-09-21 14:24:43
Jezyk angielski
Jak tlumaczylem na poczatku Blogu, jestem szkotem, urodzony w szkocji. Rodzice byli polakami i pisze wolniej w jezyku polskim. Mam na mysli osoby ktore, tak jak ja, podejmuja budowe domu w Polsce a moze nie pisza po polsku... a ich jest dosc sporo, bo nie kazdy uczyl sie czytania czy pisania po polsku. W moim przypadku chce przekazac informacje dla nich. Po drodze jak osoby czytaja ten blog po angielsku to swietnie bo maja taka mozliwosc...chyba nie przezkadza?
Data dodania: 2009-09-21 15:21:55
I like this blog and it's a great idea it is written in English. There are thousands blogs concerning Opałek and this one is THE ONE because of English (among other things :D). Nowadays thete are many people who learn English and for them it can be a fantastic way to practise. Szkocka, keep on writing in your mother tongue and don't let us wait so long for the next piece of information :))
Data dodania: 2009-09-21 15:34:19
Hi it`s true NEVER EVER pay advance I did it this same and what now I must call call and call and ask when they will be deliver my staff. It`s terribly. Good luck
Data dodania: 2009-09-21 15:38:36
Szkocka, your blog it's a good idea! Goog luck and...be patient in Poland:)
Data dodania: 2009-09-21 15:50:14
Thanks to you all....I worried that I was offending some of you...and that was not the case. This is not a technical description about how to build a house because there are far better blogs that provide that advice. This is supposed to be more of a diary of events and experiences for someone new to the country and its ways. I appreciate your comments whether they are positive or negative. That's free speech and thank God for it!!!
Data dodania: 2009-09-21 16:21:30
It's not easy to satisfy Polish people - sometimes I have an impression that it is our national feature to complain all the time :/ But there are also optimists in this sad country :D

Zdjecia - Photos

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-21
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Praca leci dalej! - The work goes on!

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-09-21
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I feel guilty because I haven't written anything for quite a while...but moving home for the second time in a year is quite something... and I spent a whole WEEK in Scotland packing ready to make the BIG MOVE to Poland.

In the meantime, everything has gone on as planned...almost!!....costs have gone up on a few items... but I blame myself for that.

I decided to use a high quality ceramic roof tile, and of course the extra area to be covered meant that the amount of money spent on this was astronomic.

I decided I needed to cut some corners and save some money by looking at the upstairs accommodation more carefully. The widening of the garage and the study made a huge difference to the amount of room upstairs. The shape of the roof changed in the middle section and this meant that the four roof post supports moved as well. I created a large loft area by flooring the area between them and inserted an additional Fakro skylight, allowing natural light into that area, as well as providing an access point to examine/clean the chimney when required.

Not being a small man, I like my space, and I decided that I only wanted two bedrooms upstairs. Both bedrooms now have a balcony and two skylight windows and are really big. A new area was created at the top of the stairs - a hallway with its own large skylight situated between the two skylights in the bathroom and the bedroom. This gives the area upstairs plenty of light and also lightens up the stairs...which are not there as yet!

I did away with the en-suite bathroom and dressing-room in the front bedroom. Why?...Well I decided I wanted one large bathroom that had a stand-alone WET shower enclosure and a large bath...and by large I mean LARGE! This meant that I could keep the costs down and concentrate on designing the very large bathroom.

I still have to decide whether I'm going for 'an all-singing and dancing' corner bath or a straightforwatd 1900x90 'long' bath. In the end it will come down to what I can afford!

As for the positioning of these items in the bathroom it is an interesting exercise.....

The sloping roof intrudes quite badly into the room. This is not a problem if you're small...but in my case it means that we have to build out from the walls by at least 60cm to achieve a reasonable height. Some of you might point out that by building up by an extra two blocks I could have avoided this problem, but the original architect did a fine job in getting proportions right and I wasn't going to spoil the look of the house by doing that or getting rid of a window in the kitchen.

I wonder what the rest of you have done? I have studied all the blogs carefully and I have only seen one bathroom partially completed.....It seems to be quite an exercise to make this an attractive, yet practical space...and in my case I have 14 square metres to design sensibly.



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