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Edynburg - Szkocja

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A lot later than expected!!

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2011-06-22
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It's been ages since I was on this site and in true Polish style the work has gone on steadily if a little slowly at times.

I now stay in the house although the upstairs rooms are still in their 'raw' state. The main reason for the delays were the finishing costs which exceeded my expectations.

This house was built to last, so the materials I have used have been top notch. This has the effect of radically reducing the budget for putting the finishing touches that everyone wants.

At the end of the day you need to prioritise...and that's what I've done.

For those foreigners out there who decide on building a home in Poland, make sure you check everything your tradesmen do. The standard of work is very high, but there is a 'BUT' to add to this. You specify what you want done and make sure they keep to the specification....and NOT their interpritation of it! I was continually let down by a lack of thought and planning by them! You THINK the work is going well, and then you find that they have 'not forseen' a problem and I end up having to pick up the tab for any changes or adaptations that need to be made.

In the next few days I hope to put up some photos of the house.

Data dodania: 2011-06-22 11:41:39
I'm waiting for the photos :) I'm sure that the house is beautiful!
Data dodania: 2011-06-22 11:57:00
Hi. It's so nice meet somebody from Scotland on this blog. I was living there but in Aberdeenshire. I will waiting for the pictures. Take care :)
Data dodania: 2011-06-22 13:26:57
I also lived in Aberdeenshire. I was a Head Teacher in Tarves, not far from Oldmeldrum. The last place I lived in was in Ellon :-)
Data dodania: 2011-06-22 13:29:56
Hi, everybody has some problems with their houses, don't worry. And why you didn't decide to have a sash slide windows ? They are beautiful ;-)
Data dodania: 2011-06-22 13:41:11
I don't know where is Tarves, but I know Oldmeldrum and Ellon. I lived in Huntly, really nice town. I also worked there but my husband worked in Kemnay, that's near Inverurie :))
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