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Edynburg - Szkocja

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Zmiany - Some changes to the original plan...

Blog:  szkocka
Data dodania: 2009-07-22
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I don't have my own plans available as I write this, but I modified the original plans in the same way as the author of this plan did. I would like to point out that the orientation of the house is a mirror image of this plan.

The main changes were that the garage was widened my 1m

The kitchen (5) was widened and closed off from the hall (3) This gives me a full wall where kitchen cupboards can be hung without the need of doing away with one of the windows in the kitchen. I also made the windows bigger in the kitchen, making them the same size as in the study (8). They are 1500x1500.

The study (8) - not shown in the plan - was widened by 1.3m. mojabudowa.pl - blog budowlany

This meant that the envelope roof had to be modified slightly. This change extended the main bathroom area upstairs and created a useful cupboard area next to the stairs.

The small toilet (2) was moved forward with a small window made by the front door.

The door to the garage from the hall was moved back and the garage was built on the same level as the house, eliminating a step down to the garage from the house.

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